Skyrim bandit spawn code
Skyrim bandit spawn code

What's the difference, and where is baseId used? I found a Steam Forum post the explains the difference and has an example. A lot of Wiki sites list both the baseId and the refId, but the above command only works with the refId. In Skyrim when adding an item to my player via the console, I will search the item online and then I type. If you would prefer to move your character to the location of an NPC instead of vice versayou can instead use the command.By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.Īrqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. If the NPC is not visible after those commands, then the character may have been disabled, so type. For example, to move a missing NPC to your location, use. Therefore, when using the console with unique NPCs you should always avoid the placeatme command. Your clone may have the correct dialogues and appearance, but many quest updates triggered by Esbern will not be triggered by your clone. The BaseID points or refers to the immutable prototype or template of an object the RefID points or refers to the actual in-game working copy of the object. Most console commands will accept only one of the two types of IDs: the BaseID is generally used in cases where you want to spawn a new copy of an object, whereas the RefID is generally used in cases where you want to interact with an existing copy of an object. If one dies for whatever reason, the game will eventually generate a new random replacement. There are also many generic NPCs in the game, most of which are randomly generated. Most NPCs can be killed, but there may be consequences later. Protected characters, on the other hand, can be attacked and killed by you but not by NPCs however, a bug means that poisons can kill even Protected characters. After a few minutes, they will rise up with full health, and will reengage their enemies until the latter parties are dead or out of the area. If these characters are attacked, they will fall to their knees and surrender when they near zero Health. Some named characters are deemed to be Essential "unkillable". All quest-givers, trainersand merchants in the game, as well most of the people in cities and towns are named characters. These people are all listed on the People page. For NPCs added by the Dragonborn expansion, see this page. Classes are still used by NPCs, despite being inaccessible to you.

skyrim bandit spawn code

The difference between NPCs and other creatures is somewhat blurry in Skyrim.

skyrim bandit spawn code

NPC Non-Player Character is a generic term for all humanoids of various racesother than you, that are encountered while playing Skyrim.

Skyrim bandit spawn code